Souta uses the M Notes power to allow him to spank Shino, the student council presidents aide. With the power of the notebook in his hands, he writes his desires in it to his hearts content. He wants all women to become his slaves.
Hi, Souta-kun! Wake up! President Maina stands before him. Usually shed belittle him right after saying hello, but today shes showing off her massive breasts in a modified school uniform! Master If you dont hurry up, youll be late. Souta used to barely even exist so far as President Maina was concerned, but now shes his slave! However
Youve got to get your act together, Master! Despite his new status of master, hes still down on all fours, serving as President Mainas footrest. M-Maina! This is an order. Put both your hands on this desk, and stick out your ass! Souta wants Maina to know her place as his slave. He nervously gives her the command.